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英語の並列構造(parallel structure)のルールとは







  1. I like apples, oranges, and going to the zoo.
  2. The coach advised that I should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and that joining a gym would make this easier.
  3. Mary is a celebrated author, dancer, and writes great songs.



  1. I like apples, oranges, and going to the zoo.
  2. The coach advised that I should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and that joining a gym would make this easier.
  3. Mary is a celebrated author, dancer, and writes great songs.





方法1: 並列要素のうち多数を占める文法要素に全体を統一する。


誤った例 正しい例
1 I like apples, oranges, and going to the zoo. I like eating apples, eating oranges, and going to the zoo (“eating”の反復).
2 The coach advised that I should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and that joining a gym would make this easier. The coach recommended exercising regularly, eating healthily, and joining a gym. (ただし、このように書き換えるとジムの会員になることで運動しやすくなるという意味が抜け落ちてしまいます。)
3 Mary is a celebrated author, dancer, and writes great songs. Mary is celebrated because she writes books, dances, and writes great songs.

方法2: 並列要素のうち少数を占める文法要素に全体を統一する。


誤った例 正しい例
1 I like apples, oranges, and going to the zoo. I like eating apples, eating oranges, and going to the zoo (“eating”の反復).
2 The coach advised that I should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and that joining a gym would make this easier. The coach recommended exercising regularly, eating healthily, and joining a gym. (ただし、このように書き換えるとジムの会員になることで運動しやすくなるという意味が抜け落ちてしまいます。)
3 Mary is a celebrated author, dancer, and writes great songs. Mary is celebrated because she writes books, dances, and writes great songs.

方法3: 一文を複数の文に分ける。


誤った例 正しい例
1 I like apples, oranges, and going to the zoo. I like eating apples and oranges. I also like going to the zoo.
2 The coach advised that I should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and that joining a gym would make this easier. The coach advised that I should eat healthily and exercise regularly. He also told me that joining a gym would make working out easier.
3 Mary is a celebrated author, dancer, and writes great songs. Mary is a celebrated author and dancer. She also writes great songs.

比較節(Comparative phrases)に要注意

単純な並列表現では並列要素同士が“and,” “or,” “but”のような接続詞でつながれます。しかし、次のような構文が並列構造とは意識しにくいので注意が必要です。: 修飾節 (modifying clause) (例: 関係詞節・分詞構文)や比較節(例: 相関接続詞)内の並列構造。中でも特に比較節の中の並列構造には注意しましょう。



誤った例 正しい例
I like the big house built in 1910 and features two great living rooms. I like the big house built in 1910 that features two great living rooms. (接続詞を削除し、文法的に合わない並列構造を修正)
Mary owns a PR company, a place giving many growth opportunities and where people are rewarded based on merit (分詞構文 + 従属節). Mary owns a PR company, a place giving many growth opportunities where people are rewarded based on merit. (“and”を削除し、正しい並列構造に修正。これは分詞構文と従属節が接続詞で繋がれているほとんどの場合に使用できる。)
I not only like to play the violin, but also dancing. I not only like to play the violin, but I also like to dance.またはI like to not only play the violin but also dance.
Either we go to the store now or wait until next week. Either we go to the store now or we wait until next week.
I prefer to go on a vacation than a bonus. I prefer to go on a vacation than to receive a bonus.



  1. “I really like this movie, which was why I bought it.”
  2. We knew that we had little time, work had to be finished, and we needed to hurry.


  1. “I really like this movie, which was why I bought it.”
  2. We knew that we had little time, work had to be finished, and we needed to hurry.

文章1では現在時制と過去時制が同時に使用されています。文章2では“that” 節の後ろの並列要素の一つにのみ受動態が使用されています。これはネイティブの目から見ると明らかなミスです。下のように書き換えるのが適切です。

  1. “I really like this movie, which is why I bought it.”
  2. We knew that we had little time, we had to finish the work, and we needed to hurry.


  1. 文中の接続詞と並列要素を見つけ出す。
  2. 接続詞を真ん中に置いて左右の文が同一の構造をとっているか確認。
  3. 節(clause)に注意して見たときに、並列している二つの節(clause)が同一の構造をとっているか確認。
  4. 接続詞の左右、また同じ修飾節(modifying clause)の中では同じ時制が使用されているか確認。




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