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医学雑誌への論文(Review, Article…)投稿








OBJECTIVE: 1~2文で研究目的や研究的疑問を簡潔に述べる

Frequently Used VerbsTo/We aimed to/The objective of this study was to… analyze, ascertain, assess, characterize, collect, describe, determine, establish, evaluate, examine, explain, identify, investigate, measure, present, produce, validate
Frequently Used Object Phrases The role of [method/item], a reliable and valid measure of [item/quality], the process undertaken in [procedure], the degree of [item/quality being measured], the amount/number of [item], the outcome of [therapy/procedure], the differences in the quality of [variable being measured]

METHODS: 1-3文で研究方法と使用する器具、手順を説明

Study/Analysis TypeWe conducted a qualitative analysis of…”; “A three-year longitudinal study of diabetic patients was performed…”; “We conducted a systematic review searching databases for…”; “We interviewed 34 Dutch general practitioners…”
Description of Patient Sample GroupsAll cancer patients >40 years of age were eligible for the study”; “We analyzed data of the American Project on Patient Evaluation of Palliative Practice Care (APPEPPC)”; “Elderly patients with late-stage Alzheimer’s disease were identified…”; “Sample groups were limited to patients with a history of smoking”
Setting/Location “…in hospitals around the State of New York…”; “…at urgent care centers in three hospitals in Taipei, Taiwan…”; “…at Pyeongchang Regional Care Facility…”
Number of Participants/ Duration of Study“We surveyed 2,136 patients over the course of three years…”; “The frequency of consultations, symptoms, presentations, referrals, and prescription data during the four years prior to diagnosis were recorded…”
Controls“Age- and sex-matched controls were identified…”

 RESULTS: 得られたデータ3-6文で要約

Frequently Used Verbs and Phrases“participated in the study/completed the treatment”; “changed/did not change significantly”; “had greater/lesser odds of…”; “were associated with…”; “response rate was…”; “The likelihood of ____ was found to be increased by…”; “adverse events occurred…”; “[number/kind of outcomes] were identified, including…”; “was/was not associated with…”
Quantitative Results“Symptoms of…were reported by 3,811 (80%) of 4,764 patients”; “Patients refusing antibiotics increased 23% from 2013 to 2016”; “One in four infants were kept at the hospital longer than two days”
Qualitative Results“Many patients reported a long history of chest infection”; “Doctors reported generally high levels of workplace satisfaction”; “The results of the physiotherapy analysis were reproduced”

CONCLUSIONS: 主要な発見事項を2-5文で説明

Analysis of Results“This study confirms that…”; “[Result] indicates that…”; “…leads to fewer prescriptions for…;” “…was reliable/accurate”; “…is safe/well-tolerated/effective
Implications for Area of Medicine/Research “…valid and reliable for routine use”; “…is drastically decreased after transplantation”; “…may result in functional improvement of the…”; “Our preliminary results indicate potential benefits of using [procedure/drug] in this group of patients”
Wider Implications“…which could increase the number of potential liver donors”; “antibiotic-resistant strains are an emerging threat”
Further Suggestions/ Limitations“Additional studies on [area of study] are recommended to [aim of additional research]”; “However, this evidence should be further assessed in larger trials”; “This diagnostic accuracy may not be generalizable to all office laboratories”





リソース記事 | 学術論文英文校正 | 学術論日英翻訳 |大学課題添削サービス料金よくある質問