











  • 他の研究結果や外部資料を引用するとき
  • 特定のデータに基づいて結論を導き出したり、推論したり、何かを示唆したりするとき
  • 一度述べた主張を裏付けるとき
  • 代表例を挙げるとき
  • 状況を区別するとき
  • 特定の状況を利用して核心部分を強調するとき
目的 使えるフレーズ 例文
  • [直接引用・間接引用]
  • As [研究者] indicated/ stated/ discovered
  • According to [研究者],
  • As Smith indicated in a 2019 study . . .
  • According to Marks and Peters . . .
  • suggests
  • as evidenced/ suggested/ indicated by
  • based on
  • can be seen/ observed when
  • as seen in
  • which is made apparent when
  • is demonstrated by/ through/ when
  • hinges on
  • The strong negative correlation suggests that . . .
  • As evidenced/ suggested/ indicated by their enlarged adrenal glands, patients with . . .
  • Based on self-reported survey results . . .
  • This phenomenon can be seen/ observed when wind speeds exceed . . .
  • As seen in the high recurrence rates of . . .
  • The causal link between A and B, which is made apparent when B triggers . . .
  • The efficacy of chocolate as a cure for unhappiness is demonstrated by survey results highlighted in . . .
  • This conclusion hinges on . . .
  • for example
  • for instance
  • by way of illustration
  • as an example
  • to clarify
  • to explain further
  • namely
  • to be specific
  • that is,
  • in other words,
  • This occurrence is rare. For example, only one in twenty . . .
  • It is unlikely that current population growth rates are sustainable. For instance, several major coastal cities are already suffering from . . .
  • By way of illustration, less than 20% of new matriculants feel prepared for . . .
  • As an example, when a country faces economic recession, polls indicate that over 80% of the population supports . . .
  • To clarify, not all government-funded facilities provide . . .
  • To explain further, large doses of Agent O can trigger . . .
  • Millennials prefer flexible work conditions, namely the ability to work remotely.
  • To be specific, bull markets can . . .
  • That is, significant and sudden drops in temperature can . . .
  • In other words, short bursts of high-intensity ultrasound can . . .
  • for example/ instance
  • such as*
  • e.g.
  • one/ another example
  • like*
  • excluding
  • including
  • an example being


*NOTE: “such as” と “like”の使用方法は異なるので注意。“Such as”は話題にしているカテゴリ内に属するものを例示する際に使用し、“Like”は話題にしているカテゴリに含まれていないが、近いものを挙げるときに使用する。

  • Typhoons are considered acts of God, for example/ instance.
  • The island is home to many native carnivorous plants, such as Venus flytraps.
  • The only known bioluminescent vertebrates are fish (e.g. the anglerfish and lantern fish).
  • One/ another example of this exception is . . .
  • I prefer outdoor sports like mountain climbing because they allow me to enjoy nature while exercising.
  • All mammals, excluding humans, stop drinking milk at a young age.
  • All stars, including our sun, . . .
  • Hawks feast on rodents, an example being . . .
  • in a similar case
  • unlike the case of
  • in the same way
  • as a case in point
  • in a typical situation
  • in a normal scenario
  • In a similar case, a male patient with arthritis . . .
  • Unlike a single-blind study, a double-blind study reduces the risk of observer bias.
  • Redundancy and wordiness can be reduced in the same way: through careful editing.
  • As a case in point, let’s look at the situation in which . . .
  • In a typical situation, marsupials would . . .
  • In a normal scenario, cortisol suppressant effects . . .
  • for example
  • indeed
  • in fact
  • notably
  • markedly
  • as a case in point
  • Nocturnal marsupials, for example, have . . .
  • Indeed, since the World Health Organization declared an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo . . .
  • Ice-free habitats around Antarctica, in fact, have . . .
  • High carbon steel alloys, notably, undergo a transformation when . . .
  • Markedly, the deserts irregular rainfall levels have . . .
  • As a case in point, the last known male northern white rhinoceros . . .






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