- こちらも参考:【動画】効果的な論文タイトル設定のコツ
以下で解説している内容は、基本的に多くの医学ジャーナルで採用されている症例報告のフォーマットに基本形にもとづいたものですが、ジャーナルによって要求する事項が異なる可能性もあります。ターゲットジャーナルの“Instructions for authors”、“Author guidelines”、“Preparing your manuscript”などの内容を必ず確認しましょう。
- Journal of Medical Case Reports
- Oxford Medical Case Reports
- BJR Case Reports
- International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
症例報告(Medical Case Reports)のタイトル
症例報告(Medical Case Reports)で使える用語集
- 症例関連: presentation, unusual case, rare case, challenges, complications, symptoms,causes, diagnosis, treatment
- 患者関連: patient, adult, child, infant, adolescent, elderly, man/woman
※case studyやcase reportのような研究そのものを示す言葉は、既に分かり切っているためタイトルは含まれないのが普通です。
- “An unusual presentation of primary small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) in an elderly woman”
- “Challenges in the management of mycotic splenic arteriovenous fistula in a cirrhotic patient”
- “CREST syndrome: a rare cause of chronic upper-gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in adults”
- “Primary tuberculous dacryocystitis: two cases mimicking tumors of the lacrimal sac”
症例報告(Medical Case Reports)のアブストラクト
1.Background (1-2文で):その症例を報告する理由を、症例の特徴や新規性を含めて説明します。
2.Case presentation (3-6文で):患者の統計学的属性や病状、診断、インターベーション、合併症、治療結果などを簡潔に説明します。内容の重要性に従って分量は変動します。
3. Discussion/Conclusion (1-2文で):臨床的インパクトや症例の応用、今後の臨床研究や現場への示唆を簡単につづります。事例の応用性や予防策、後続研究に対する示唆などを強調すると良いでしょう。
症例報告(Medical Case Reports)のアブストラクト英文テンプレート
Example #1: A Case of Injury
We herein report a case of a [patient age and gender] with an unusual case of [injury]. The [injury]consisted of features typical of [common features of the injury/disease/disorder], with additional [additional features of case, if any], signifying a [diagnosis/complications]. Features of this case are discussed together with its implications, including [implications of case]. [Additional measures taken—treatment/surgery/etc.] was undertaken due to [reason for measures].
Example #2: A Case of Disease/Disorder
[Disease/disorder] is a rare condition characterized by [symptoms]. Its presentation is usually [sporadic/chronic/acute]. Usually seen in patients who are [typical demographics of patient], [disease]presentation in [this specific category of patient] is rare. Symptoms at presentation depend on [parts of body/patient’s environment]. Patients with [disease/disorder] may present with [additional major symptoms]. We herein report a rare presentation of [disease/disorder] in a [patient demographic—age/gender/race/etc.] who suffered from [corresponding symptoms or co-morbid diseases]. [Diagnostics/tests] revealed [results of tests/complication]. The patient underwent [surgery/treatment]and was given [drugs/intubation/etc.]. Recovery was [description of recovery]. In spite of a wide range of therapeutic options for the management of [disease/disorder] described in the literature, the efficacy of those available therapies is [unknown/not well established/open/etc.].
- “40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays” (Oxford Royale Academy)
- ジャーナル受理率向上のための英文アブストラクト作成戦略 (WordviceJP)
- “Essential Academic Writing Words and Phrases” (My English Teacher.eu)
- “Academic Vocabulary, Useful Phrases for Academic Writing and Research Paper Writing” (Research Gate)
- 【動画】効果的な論文タイトル設定のコツ (WordviceJP/YouTube)
- 医学論文のアブストラクト(構造化抄録)の書き方(WordviceJP)
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