
I. エッセイを書き始める前に
- リラックスし、自信を持ちましょう。
- 30分の制限時間をしっかりと意識します。
- TOEFLはコンピュータテスト(ibt)とペーパーテストが選べますが、どちらが自分に合っているか考えましょう。
II. TOEFLライティングの出題の特徴
1. 観点を一つ選び、その根拠を述べる
Example: Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
2. 何かを説明する
Example: If you could invent something NEW, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed?
3. 二つの意見を比べ、どちらに同意できるか述べる
Example: Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
4. 賛成・反対を述べる
Example: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ONLY people who earn a lot of money are successful. Do you agree or disagree with this definition of success? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
5. 何かが真実であることを述べる
Example: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
6. アイデアや計画に対する意見とその根拠を述べる
Example: It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
このような出題では、対象に対する賛成・反対の意見と共に、それがなぜなのか述べます。質問が個人的なことを尋ねているときは、“I, me, my”などの一人称も使用できます。
III. エッセイの構成(序論・本論・結論)
エッセイは3つのパラグラフを意識しましょう。introduction, body, conclusionで構成します。
A. The introduction(序論):
B. The body(本論):
本論はエッセイの心臓とも言えるパートです。序論の主題文で述べた意見や見解を支える詳細な情報や具体例を提示することで、自分の意見に根拠を与えます。通常TOEFLエッセイは3 – 4つのボディパラグラフを持ちます。
C. The conclusion(結論):
IV. introduction(序論)の書き方
TOEFL essay question #1:
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Restatement & Thesis:
People have two options when deciding where to eat. They can prepare meals and eat at home or they can go out to stands or restaurants. I prefer to go out to eat because the food is more varied and interesting, it is less work for me and it saves time.
TOEFL essay question #2:
Is it better for children to participate in team sports or individual sports? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Restatement & Thesis:
It is better for children to participate in team sports rather than individual sports. In team sports, children learn how to cooperate. They learn good sportsmanship and how to rely on their teammates. These are important lessons that will benefit children throughout their lives.
TOEFL essay question #3:
Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Restatement & Thesis:
There are many good reasons to live in a big city and an equal number of good reasons to live in a small town. I, myself, prefer to live in a small town because it is more personal and homey; it is easier to get around in and it is safer than a big city.
V. body paragraphs(本論)の書き方
ボディパラグラフでは、メインアイデアごとに段落を分けます。序論で述べた主張とその根拠を支持する詳細情報を論理的に述べます。ここで気を付けるのは、なるべく多くの具体例を挙げるということです。また、接続語や転換表現を効果的に使用することで、文章の流れを整理するのもポイントです。(例:on the other hand, however, though, for example, in contrast, likewise, in addition, first, finallyなど) 一つ一つの段落はそこで提示している根拠について簡潔にまとめる文章で締めます。
VI. concluding paragraph(結論)の書き方
VII. エッセイ解答の時間配分
- Read and understand the essay question. (2 minutes).
- Organize your ideas on paper by writing a short outline of the introduction, body and conclusion. (8 minutes).
- Write your essay. Remember to restate the question in your introduction. Use clear details and LOTS of examples in the body of your essay. Finally, summarize the main ideas in the concluding paragraph of your essay. (15 minutes).
- Reread your essay and make any changes in spelling, verb tense, word choice or sentence structure. (5 minutes).
VIII. TOEFLライティング – 構成のサンプル
TOEFL Question: In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
I. It is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are students because they can learn about responsibility; they can learn the value of money and they can learn how to work as a member of a team.
II. Students can learn responsibility
a. They have to come to work on time every day
b. They must serve customers in a friendly manner
c. They have to maintain the store shelves with inventory
III. Students can learn the value of money
a. Students will learn that it takes a lot of time and effort to make money
b. Students will make wiser choices when buying things with their own money
IV. Students will learn how to work as a member of a team
a. Students will learn how to compromise with other employees (helping out when someone is sick, etc.)
b. Students will learn about the friendship that comes from teamwork (feeling like you can trust others)
V. Conclusion
It is a valuable experience for teenagers to have jobs while they are students because they will learn to be responsible adults. They will have an appreciation for money and they will learn about working with others. All of these traits will benefit them throughout their lives.